Health and Safety
Health and Safety
All members of the Leicester Hackspace will have gone through the induction process, and should have a copy of the Induction document, so should be familiar with the basic Health and Safety issues associated with being a member of the Hackspace. Note the cross-over with Safeguarding.
Even with the best will in the world and a good focus on safety issues, things will go wrong. Even if you were OK please report all accidents, incidents and near misses, because the hazard may be less kind to the next person, and, if something is broken we need to fix or replace it.
Please use a numbered copy of the Accident Reporting form, which are kept available in the Hackspace, with the First Aid box in the Workshop, Room 1.01. The completed form should be given to a Director, and if you don't know who they are ask a longer-standing member of the Hackspace for help.
This is the reference copy of the Hackspace document on Accident Reporting:
Please do not just print out a copy of this and use it, because the numbering is an important part of our safety procedures. If forced to do this please do a double-sided print, and write the date and time of the incident next to the Form Number, on the first page, preferably in pencil, leaving the Form Number blank.