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   Pay for use of the laser either by leaving cash in the donations box or via a bank transfer to the Hackspace account, make the reference somthing like "laser"
   Pay for use of the laser either by leaving cash in the donations box or via a bank transfer to the Hackspace account, make the reference somthing like "laser"
<h1> Creating a Design using Inkscape </h1>
Create a sketch in Inkscape and save as a ".svg" file.
Use different colours or layers to differentiate between cuts and engraving.
Export as a ".dxf" file for import into RDXworks.
Before exporting ensure that all objects have been converted to a path.
Otherwise, a circular object will be visible in Inkscape, but will not appear when imported into RDXworks.

Revision as of 20:52, 28 March 2024

Initialise the laser

1. First close switches on the wall


2. Boot up the PC


3. Switch on the laser

   **To avoid tripping the circuit breaker leave a gap between closing each switch**  

4. Switch on the camera monitor


5. Insert Safety Key


6. Switch on laser


Load material

1. open lid

2. using the keypad home the xy and z axis


2. ensure no obstructions on edge of laser bed

3. place material on laser bed with spacers to ensure material is square to bed

4. use key pad to position laser on top of material

Focus the laser

  • place 8mm focus perspex under laser with 8mm text vertical
  • using one hand hold the laser and with the other slacken off the focus ring and lower it on top of the perspex
  • carefully tighten up
  • remove 8mm focus perspex


Download instructions to laser

   * open RDWorks software application
   * import image from USB stick
   * define order in which laser is to cut by selecting layers
   * set laser speed and strength
   * download instructions to laser
   * select file on laser keypad
   * position laser at start point 
   * draw  frame  to ensure laser remains on material and avoids any weights used to hold the material down


   * close lid
   * start laser cutter
   * monitor progress on TV monitor
   * in the event of material catching fire, STOP laser and open lid.  Put fire out(??)
   * on completion of laser cutting , wait until all fumes have been extracted before opening lid.

Power down Procedure

   This is the reverse of the power up procedure after cleaning the bed as follows:
   Using the keypad position the laser to the top right hand corner of the bed.
   Remove the material from the bed.
   To remove the waste material from the bed remove the metal guides.
   It is important that these are replaced in their original position, so remember where they came from.
   Using a hand brush or vacuum cleaner remove all waste material.
   Occasionally the metal guides will need wiping to remove a build up of glue. This has its own procedure under routine maintenance.
  Replace the metal guides in their correct position.
  Switch everything off in the reverse order to the power up sequence, shut the PC down properly, do not just remove power.
  Pay for use of the laser either by leaving cash in the donations box or via a bank transfer to the Hackspace account, make the reference somthing like "laser"

Creating a Design using Inkscape

Create a sketch in Inkscape and save as a ".svg" file.

Use different colours or layers to differentiate between cuts and engraving.

Export as a ".dxf" file for import into RDXworks.

Before exporting ensure that all objects have been converted to a path.

Otherwise, a circular object will be visible in Inkscape, but will not appear when imported into RDXworks.